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23 June 2022

Roust stands strong in the 2022 millionaires club ranking
Roust Group, one of the largest vodka producers in the world, is proud to announce that 3 Roust brands have been included in the Drinks International Millionaire’s Club – an annual ranking of the world’s largest alcohol brands.
Among 154 world alcoholic brands, Russian Standard vodka took 50th place (3.7 million 9l cases), Talka vodka brand rose from 71st to 63th place (2.8 million 9l cases), Green Mark ranks as the 80th largest vodka brand (2.6 million 9l cases). Moreover, the brands were included in the list of the best vodkas.
In 2021 Talka volumes have grown by 18% and it has been included in the list of the fastest growing vodka brands in the world.
The international success of Roust vodka brands has been recognised for a number of years by industry experts such as Drinks International, IWSR and IMPACT. Roust brands are consistently awarded medals across multiple industry awards, and are recognised by experts in blind tastings for their superior quality and excellent taste.
In 2021 Talka volumes have grown by 18% and it has been included in the list of the fastest growing vodka brands in the world.
The international success of Roust vodka brands has been recognised for a number of years by industry experts such as Drinks International, IWSR and IMPACT. Roust brands are consistently awarded medals across multiple industry awards, and are recognised by experts in blind tastings for their superior quality and excellent taste.